Fracplanet gallery

Screenshots and other images produced with fracplanet.


A capture from Fracplanet's own OpenGL rendering while in "flight mode" having flown down to low altitude.
Screenshot of fracplanet

Some terrain exported to, and rendered by, POV-Ray (with atmospheric effects enabled):
POV-Ray rendered terrain


Fracplanet 0.3.0 with terrain exported to POV-Ray and Blender.
Screenshot of fracplanet, POV-Ray and Blender

Fracplanet in flight mode
Screenshot of fracplanet

Fracplanet under KDE:
Screenshot of fracplanet
- Screenshot contributed by Leon Brooks

Fracplanet in action pre-version 0.1.0, when the GUI was revised:
Screenshot of fracplanet

Fracplanet also supports emissive oceans, lakes and rivers:
Screenshot of fracplanet

Texture exports

From version 0.3.1 there is the option to simply save the terrain as a 2D image rather than using the more complex POV-Ray or Blender model formats. This is most likely useful for texture mapping the images onto objects in other renderers. You can choose to have fracplanet do the shading, or use the normal maps or height maps to do defer it to a bump or displacement mapping system in your chosen renderer.

A planet, saved as a shaded texture (a spheremap):
Shaded spheremap

The same planet, saved as an unshaded texture:
Unshaded spheremap

The normal map for the planet:
Normals spheremap

The height map (also known as a "DEM" or "digital elevation model") for the planet:
Elevation spheremap

This is a Logo hosted project.